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Principal's Message

At Manteo Middle School we believe that every child matters and our goal is to instill that belief in themselves and to eliminate barriers and obstacles that would prevent students from realizing their full potential.

Our mission is to prepare students to be responsible, thoughtful, respectful, independent, creative, and to encourage them and to build their self-worth.  It is vital that we provide students the opportunities and tools to build those skills that will help them navigate the complexity of life successfully.

Middle school is a very important part of a child’s developmental history. It is this crucial time where students begin to think about their futures and dream about the possibilities. MMS is proud of its superior teachers and staff, who are dedicated to providing the  guidance and support all students need to be successful.   

We live in a unique and wonderful area; our students are fortunate to be a part of such a close knit, yet diverse, community. As a resident of Manteo, I am overwhelmed by the community support and appreciate the families that make our school amazing. Thank you to every person and business who has contributed and supported our school. We invite you to continue to be a part of our school community and if you are new to it, we hope that you consider becoming involved. I look forward to a wonderful year! 

Tami Harper | Principal 


Tami Harper
(252) 473-5549 ext 1201